Will a feeling of disgust of a person towards another a fake disgust?
Do you even care if your disgust towards a person is a real or fake disgust? How possibly you will have a fake disgust towards a person? Omg, I don't know what am i trying to say.
Disregard that.
Haha, here comes my wishlist for the year 2008:
1) pass all my EASA modular examinations!
2) pass my grade 8 piano, with merit/distinction =P
3) get a convenient, good and affordable house to move in
4) get salay increment, be financially established!
5) a brand new piano!
6) meet up a friend......................
7) good speaker for my pc
8) more free time to relax and sleep, to indulge myself with games
9) a convenient swimming pool ( let me swim! ), have been too far from swimming pool
10) less trouble to come about especially human-to-human problems
11) a new bag
12) a new handphone
13) happy and enjoyable 2008!
*world peace* LOL
happy New year everyone!
Saturday, December 29, 2007
My wish, My list
written by
2:43 AM
thoughts or advices
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
It's 12:00 am now and I am sitting in front of the computer at home. How pathetic?!
My parents picked me back from Subang today. They were so happened to be there and I have mistakenly taken my sister book there, so, yeah, I am back. But, it made no difference as I will also celebrate my Christmas at home. LOL. Wei Kai can't get his mind off of celebrating Christmas in the house. What to do? It is so packed out there. Traffic jam is a hell out there. But anyway, the environment will be real nice.
Nevermind, at least tomorrow night I'm attending my aunt's Christmas party and have a share on the turkey she offers. Wow. Haha. Leave that for tomorrow.
A special christmas gift for today! My landlord, Mr Wong called me today, at around 7:00pm, right before I came back here, and right before they all went out for dinner. i was informed that: I have to move! We all have to move! After staying in the nice house for like, 3 months? Oh dear, we have already signed the agreement for 2 years. Now not even 3 months yet and we were all informed to move out by the mid of February. I hate the mess when moving house, especially after I have bought these much of furniture.
Anyway, one thing good is: we will all get 2 months rental compensation. =D But no more attached bathroom to each room. No more big big room. Where should I put my digital piano then? A problem of having too many furnitures. Fortunately Mr Wong offers to pay the moving cost for us. If not, we will be dead! Thanks for his kindness and concerns.
A lot of things to be considered. Whether should we rent back the same type of house by paying more ( because we are renting under a bargain price) ? or choose to rent a smaller house? I feel sad to leave that house. I get used to that house already. What to do?
What comes around goes around... Cannot do much, I have yet to discuss with my fellow housemates. hope that we will come out with a good solution......
Oh yeah, merry christmas and a happy new year to all of you! Kiss**
May all your christmas and new year wishes come true!
p/s: I hope mine comes true also. =P wish me wish me!
written by
12:18 AM
thoughts or advices
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Sometimes I ask myself: why do people get angry so easily?
Is it because of dissatisfaction of something? Or is it hormone imbalance? I don't know.
Anger. That is a human behaviour.
Always, we talk about controlling anger, but when anger really strikes, how many people can really execute what they have planned before hand about what they will do when they get angry?
What's the point of planning then?
written by
1:30 AM
thoughts or advices
Sunday, December 9, 2007
the golden compass was screened on thursday. haha, and we went and watch it on friday night! the show was not bad. but somehow, my friends said that movie isn't good. i admire the girl, Lyra's bravery. I was blurred by the sudden appearance of the witch and why the man is so willing to help lyra. the story wasn't entirely clear. it didn;t explain a lot of things. perhaps people who have read the novel knows better.
since that is the midnight show, our show ends on 01:30. by then, the one utama shopping mall was eerily silent. And the hero of all, the parking lots entrance doors were mostly closed. we were like exploring the whole one utama to find the entrance to basement 2 parking. we walked through the storeroom of jusco, went through the rubbish dump site, walked through the slope of the car whioch is meant for cars, went up to the mall again after meeting the guard. that was tiring. the whole process has taken almost 30 minutes! what the......! fortunately i wasn't defeated yet, still have to drive. indeed, i felt quite energetic, don't know why.
this is the photo that i took when finding for the parking lots entrance. Look at the closed shops, it was so different from day time.....
written by
1:20 AM
thoughts or advices
Sunday, December 2, 2007
The Stage
It doesn't really need a stage to act. What really crucial are the characters. =.="
We are transformed into an actor/actress when something around us had screwed up but we have to make it looks normal. It's just like when few of you doesn't really fond of somebody but you have to live with him/her because of the regular aily interactions.
It's very tiring. The whole idea isn't good. The problem is, when honesty takes place, mentality of that particular person takes place. Some good intention might be percepted as jeolousy, malicious and harmful.
Would you prefer living on the stage? continuosly acting?
written by
3:28 AM
1 thoughts or advices
Hair Cut
After the incident today, i told myself that i wouldn't go for hair cut on Saturday evening( pasar malam ) in TM! It's the first time i waited for 2 and a half hours for a simple hair cut.
The blame on Kok haur. Actually I didn't plan for a hair cut but since he wanted it, I went together with him..... there were actually 5 people in the shop at that time, I didn't know that they can take such a long time to settle with them. Leave us waiting for more than 2 hours. Fortunately there was a badminton tournament live show on the tv, or else I will be bored to death!
the result of the day:
It is quite satisfactory but I didn't like the waiting part....
And for that particular reason, i was late for Kar Bee's bbq party! And she and anyone else being so sarcastic teasing our hair....... Have had a great night in Kar Bee's place though. i enjoyed that.
written by
3:14 AM
thoughts or advices
Friday, November 30, 2007
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Is a piece of writing more sincere or words from our mouth?
I choose writing, because it can be kept.
written by
1:35 AM
thoughts or advices
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Sometimes, without our realization, the words that come out from our words are very hurtful.
Even phrase like: "No!" is already a sharp knife that cuts in people's heart.
The art of speaking is very widely available in the market, to help people coping with the uncontrolled words from their mouth and thus making a conversation not as sharp as it originally is.
Think back again, should the world be like this? Filled with superficial conversation? Talking for the sake of talking? Pleasing people using he conversation? Oh god. please.
To the world outside, yes, maybe. But, to those who are close to me? A definate NO from me.
I don't wish my friends to act superficially in front of me. As I gave in the true self of mine, I wish to have their true self when they are with me. Sincere and pure.
written by
12:15 AM
thoughts or advices
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Sometimes, being too observant isn't a good thing.
Being over-excited about what we have observed and start telling everyone else is out of my option. Speak when neccessary. Be sensitive. Beware of adding salt to a wound.
written by
2:07 PM
thoughts or advices
Saturday, November 17, 2007
It has been an emo week. Everything seems to go wrong. It's hard to get along with some people sometimes. Maybe I am also the one some other people find disturbing?
I don't know and I don't wish to know. It's always good that people interacting with me with a smiling face rather than a f***ed-up ugly face.
Hyprocrites are everywhere but I just despise them. That is my problem. I couldn't help, but i have to accept that as that is the phenomenon out there in the working environment. No more a naive school-hood.
I understand that:-
- I can't expect people to be the way I want them to be
- I don't need to tolerate everyone to satisfy their needs
- I can choose to be the way i want to be with no approval from anyone
- Angry over a fella is not worth my day
- Being a little bit ignorant is good
- Maintaining high profile will incur jealousies
- Mainting low profile won't do you any good
- Moderation is the best
- Back-stabbing will defame me myself
- People appreciate our praise towards them for what they did right
- Being nice to people will bring back the same return
- I have no choice but to live with people ( the world is not about me myself )
Cheers! *smile*
I am smiling to you, feel it. =)
written by
12:29 AM
thoughts or advices
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Sharing is caring?
Are you comfortable sharing secrets with your friends?
Perhaps some would say yes and some would say no. Sharing secrets is indeed one of the most wonderful thing in the world. Depends on timing.
Everyone has the right to talk.
Everyone can choose what they want to talk and nobody can force someone to tell what he/she doesn't want to talk about.
Some maybe inferior of others. While some care too much about what others think. It's not too good to keep everything to oneself. Indeed, one will feel empty, directionless and emotionally down when things kept on going wrong and one can't share a thing with other to either release the tension or maybe ask for opinion.
Secrets. To talk or to keep? Up to us. I feel that there are times when I need to keep and there are times when I need to talk. When I am not comfortable in talking, I will find it disturbing being forced to tell, and of course, couldn't help talking. The feeling is just out of place.
A question of mine: Will we be to vulnerable to others when we stood naked in front of people?
Something, I do keep it to myself.
written by
2:03 AM
thoughts or advices
Friday, November 9, 2007
I feel like playing piano at this moment but it's too late at night, i will wake the whole world up if i really do so...... I need some relaxation, i was studying the whole night. Fortunately I still have this little space for me to write......
These are some of the FAQs people ask me when i tell them: I play piano.
What's your grade? : 6 at the moment. On my way to 8.
When did you start? : The end of 2003, when i finished my PMR.
Wow, so fast? : yeah, i skipped several grades.
Can meh? : can.
Is it difficult? : yes and no, depends on you.
How do you recognise the notes? : through practise.
Expensive ar?? : one-third of my salary!
Do you get bored playing piano? : after long time practising the same song, i will feel bored playing the song, not the piano.
I want to start playing now, is it too late? : Nope, it will be later if you start later.
Can you teach me? : It's more proper to find a teacher to teach because i'm still a noob.
written by
4:29 AM
thoughts or advices
Happy Birthday...
When the clock striked 00:00 on the 7th Nov, I am officially 19.
By then, I was in a SLK, Haha, Super Little Kancil; trying to enjoy the rough ride Su Wen gave to us(Wei Kai, Manraj and me). She drive through a bump at the speed of 80KM/H! Can you imagine it? The whole Kancil shaked like hell. Manraj and I, by the law of inertia =P, banged into the front seat. Only Wei Kai, who is held by the safety belt didn't feel such an impact. Anyway, that was great! She actually didn't notice there is a bump there and the road is so empty that it became so tempting for her to speed! ( and actually we shouted to her "Bump! Bump! Bump!" and she just simply ignored it )
The outcome? Her tyres' rims are cracked. All the four of them. Very terrible indeed.
Back to the house, we all planned to study initially, to prepare for the next day's unrecorded trial exam but don't know why, we are all distracted and bump into chit-chatting which lasted for four hours until 4 o'clock in the morning! And at the end of that, we all got into deep shit for didn't open the book.
"Shit! I should be studying!" "God! I didn't touch the book the whole night!" "I am so tired! I am going to die the next day!"
All sorts of complaints came out.
Well, it just like what we have predicted, we all failed the exam the next day. Haha,but luckily most of the people failed with only one or 2 passes. And fortunately I didn't fail badly. I get 71%. 4% short of the passing marks 75%. Still happy.
No grand celebration this year. But this year i received a lot of birthday wishes. That's a very good present for me. I really appreciate it. I am happy. I appreciate their effort in giving me phone calls at 12, sending me smses at 12.
I kept all the birthday wishes in my phone's inbox and there are 25 of them. Not yet count the oral wishes and the wishes direct to me in Friendster. Thanks a lot my friends, for remembering.
And my wish this year: may all the wishes my friend gave me comes true! haha! I wish i passed all the EASA examinations!
Next target: Pass the coming exam on Monday.
written by
12:17 AM
thoughts or advices
Saturday, November 3, 2007
I have already indulged myself for the whole night tonight. I am supposed to hold on to my Electronic Fundamentals book. Gosh. I have to swallow the whole book by next wednesday........ Disregard the mumbles.
Is big mouth always contibuting to good first impression? Why do some not-too-good people sounded so brilliant the first time we saw them? Why do some brilliant people sounded ordinary?
"Don't judge a book by its cover"
this is the famous quote that we usually use. But, how many people really practise it?
Over and over again, people who impress others at the first sight are usually people who are outspoken, loud, and comfortable in talking to a complete stranger. ( Usually, they talk for the sake of it, without specific purpose. )
It's more often than not, the one will be remembered by people disregard of one's ability.
Attention to theone is therefore doubled, or maybe tripled.
Are you for or against such person? Is it a must-master skill?
p/s: bear in mind that overly-react people will draw envious and hatred!
written by
1:06 AM
thoughts or advices
Saturday, October 20, 2007
KS once asked me what am I evaluating....
And my answer: MY LIFE
written by
2:34 AM
thoughts or advices
15, Oct 2007 Greenbox trip
Karaoke is no doubt one of our favourite activity of ours. Everytime, it would turn out to be a very happy and memorable experience. We sang duet songs, solo songs and a lot lot more. The room will be filled with everyone's voices as we tend to scream when the mic wasn't with us. Haha, no such thing as manners between us. But mind you: my singing is not that bad. =P
Some happy faces: Venue: Greenbox Sg. Wang.
Sad that we didn't get to book a big room as all those bigger rooms are fully booked. We book it quite late.
written by
12:27 AM
thoughts or advices
exceptional defect
The feeling of being let down is not so pleasing.
When you see others got called up, but you don't.
When you're being told that only 10 are needed for the task and you are not in the list.
Anyway, i got through the displeasure in less than an hour. Not sour-grape, I realise that even if I am being brought in the base maintenance job, I would be a burden to the personnels, instead of an asset (don't underestimated the growth in value though =D haha).
It's a historical 2nd engine change for the big MD-11 of Transmile. The first time in transmlie history.... I think it's going to be very nice experience for those who got the chance to be part of the maintenance team.... I am thinking of watching it from the side on Sunday.... But it depends. haha
My turn will come, sooner or later. I do hope that when I'm standing as the maintenace personnel, I am well equipped with the required knowledge and thorough understanding of the things I do. I will get myself ready for everything.
My target: To achieve thorough understanding of Aircraft systems and processes as soon as possible!
written by
12:05 AM
thoughts or advices
Friday, October 19, 2007
written by
11:43 PM
thoughts or advices
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Haha.... Bobo gets angry already because I called her sakai poh in the previous entry.....
Here is my apology": s0rry! =D
written by
9:01 PM
thoughts or advices
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Proton City tour =P

Hah! This is one of the building we all like most in the whole of Tanjung Malim Proton City.
We specially made this tour for our sakai poh: BOBO! because she said she had never been there after so many years of its completion. What a shame to our warga Tg. Malim. Remember ya: TM is getting more and more development!
We weren't planning for this ride actually. We went for our early morning badminton session at 8am! How amazing that we ( me, kok haur, bobo and siew hui ) could actually make it eventhough we all slept very late the night before and Siew Hui claimed that she slept at 6am and woke up at 7.30am! But everyone seems to be very energetic. So, off we go! I enjoyed the game very much! I sweat like hell!
Then we went for a nice breakfast in SAN LONG CHUIN. And i had 2 over-cooked half-boiled eggs......... The rest all good..... That restaurant is a very nostalgic place.... It's the kopitiam that we usually hang out during our secondary school life.... We talked about a lot of past stuffs... It feels good when you are recalling the old stupid stuffs with your friends......
Here are some photos that we took today! Hehe... The very best friends:
Kok Haur and me

Bobo and me

KH and Siew Hui

I like this picture most, the very classic colour. haha
written by
10:37 PM
thoughts or advices
Friday, October 5, 2007
The first week in Subang has officially gone.
Well, after having waiting for so long, at last, I wore my MAB and Transmile Pass walking around the Hangar and the Transmile Centre! That is so cool! I saw the famous MD-11 and B727-200. Not forgetting a B737-200 which has just taken back from Kartika Airline which has already bankrupt.
The transmile hangar is new-built hangar. Brand new and it's bigger than their previous one. But it's still smaller than the Airod and MAS hangar. I'll try to get some photo. =P
The feeling is so different from seeing an aircraft from far. The aircraft is so enormous! We visited every single division, department, workshops etc. Then only i realise that to maintain an aircraft, it needs lots of co-ordination, co-operation, a lot of complicated procedures, the APPROVED parts and personnel, Quality Assurance stuffs etc etc. Nevermind, I will get to know them one by one through the few weeks Office OJT that i will start to have starting next week. I'm quite nervous actually for that will be my first time working in an office.
It was so hot being in the under-maintenance cockpit. That is the situation that i'm gonna face in the future. Pathetic? I guess that will be fun. I'm looking forward to being in the position where I hold the authority to take care of one area of the aircraft!~ and that will be at least 5 years time from now!
Like what Mr. Alred says: what you need to do now is STUDY STUDY AND STUDY!
My target: To obtain EASA license in 5 years and complete the course as expected by the company!
written by
10:25 PM
thoughts or advices
Friday, September 28, 2007
Memorable moment
written by
8:17 PM
thoughts or advices
Thursday, September 27, 2007
A small matter:
written by
10:33 PM
thoughts or advices
I have never felt so stressed before this. This time around, i got stressed up until i experienced insomnia and even dream-talking, dream-shouting! haha, poor my dormmates who always complains about me and the other fellas always wake them up from sleep.. Opss...
The first exam in Transmile is finally over today! and I am really glad to say that I PASSED! I PASSED! I PASSED! I PASSED! I PASSED! The questions set were really confusing. Some seem to be easy especially the electrical part. Thanks to Mr Ridhwan haha. =P Thank god that i didn't waste my midnightnight oil. Haha, i kept on burning them especially these few days. I always study until 3-4am and the next day rush down to complete my toolbox project...
Sad to say, some of my buddy gotta resit the exam next friday. I couldn't imagine if I'm to study again like what I have did. I couldn;t imagine how much effort to be put in for my real EASA examination to get my license. The passing mark? 75%! I still remember last time when I was in TARC, 74% has already granted me an A! .............................................. Hope that i didn;t gone crazy after 5 years....
Some time from now, at least one month i think, i will be free from stress. No exam, no study, just some exposure to safety and company procedures....... Yes, gotta enjoy my first month in Subang! Goodbye WIT, goodbye Klang!
written by
10:08 PM
thoughts or advices
Saturday, September 22, 2007
22nd of September
A date which is mentioned in the M2M's Pretty Boy.
I still recall when i was asked to find the date in that song..... Sometimes, I dont know why women are like that; they don't like to tell straight away to you what you want to know. Maybe that's women's specialty? That captures much of an attention? I am not really sure about that.
Go back to the story. I didn't actually go through all the hardwork to go and find a song which is not within my finger tips. I like shortcuts, have I told you that? haha. Anyway, I would like to reserve the shortcut i use for myself......
... a spit of my heart..... it came so naturally because of today........
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Happy birthday my dearest friend!
written by
12:35 AM
thoughts or advices
Saturday, September 15, 2007
101, a lucky but embarrassing number.

Total: 101
written by
11:13 PM
thoughts or advices
Hardworks pay?
'The harder u work, the more u get.'
I wonder how true is that statement. Anyway, i still very much believe that it's true. But for some people, it doesn't seem to be having a slightest impact from what is quoted. What they want are: things get done, marks being awarded and didn't get scolded. The fools, especially in group works, are people like me........ =( or =). I don't know which one to feel. Which to choose?
I despise people who leech. I hate people who slack purposedly. I dislike irresponsible people.
I appreciate people who work. I teasure people who put in efforts. I like teamwork. I admire sacrifaction.
Actually, I feel happy to be able to be one of the fool in a group. At least i felt important, useful, resourceful. I am able to learn from mistakes. I am able to sharpen my skills. I am able to build up my confidence after so many failures of projects since I enrolled in this programme.
My next target: To get 85% for my upcoming exam. The passing marks? 80%!
written by
1:22 AM
thoughts or advices
Sunday, September 9, 2007
The Aviation Standard
2 months of mine are wasted in the bloody WIT or maybe I should call it as HONEYMOON as anyone else call it. It was really disheartening to get to hear this from out Transmile instructor>>>>>>>>>
Lunch(on a certain day),
me: sir, will this be counted into our final exam marks?
instructor A: *looking at the best piece in our collection, taking it in his hand* Do you think i will accept all this?
*heart breaks*relieved in a way because my projects suck big time*
Random hour and days,
instructor L: I am degrading myself if I were to grade these kind of projects presented to me!
earlier days:
instructor K: from next week onwards, I am sending my instructor to monitor you all, and pull you all back to the Aviation standard!
Since the week after, our life become more contented? or I should say tougher? or should I say they demand more from us? SImply, we all work a lot harder! Redoing a piece has became very very common to me as I always over-file and that kind of things. 5 times? 6 times? I have been skipping my breaks for so many times. Sometimes, I even skip my lunch. However, I think that will be good because it trains me to become more skillful, patient and observant. The tolerance given is 0.1mm! I'm having hard time with it. Have to do it anyhow. I must tell myself i can make it!
written by
12:51 AM
thoughts or advices
Andrew Lloyd Webber
I have never been exposed to Andrew Lloyd Webber. Today, I have been asked by my teacher to play his songs. The songs, at the first time i heard them has already captured my heart away. They are really fascinating. Memory, The music of the Night and The Phantom of The Opera are so beautiful! I might have heard some of them, but one thing for sure is that i have never knew that this fella, has wrote them all. Salute to him.
I vow to myself to play his songs as nicely as they should be!
written by
12:43 AM
thoughts or advices
Sunday, September 2, 2007
I'm very sleepy at this moment. I wanted to go to bed right away, but somehow something drew me here. I don't know what, perhaps that's the energy being talked in my friendster's horoscope today? Haha...
What will you feel if you are told, suddenly that you have a son? Happy? Devastated?
I have just watched the TVB drama series named 'Father and Son' around an hour ago, it has just reached 6th episode. The father is facing dillema and he is in quandary with a sudden appear of his 8-year-old son. Thi is shown on the Astro On Demand, but hehe, I didnt spend money in the AOD, still sticking with my conventional way.=P
Talking about the first 6 epiodes, I do really feel that the drama series reflect the situation around us. How a family upbring a child, the hardship of a family to support a child etc etc. The importance of paternal love is also given much emphasis. I am wondering if i have got time to finish the series. It's not important because i think that I am blessed with adequate family attention. Haha.
Again, it's 3am like yesterday. I really have to sleep or else i am going to suffer.
written by
2:40 AM
thoughts or advices
Saturday, September 1, 2007
This year's merdeka celebration was grand! Really grand. It managed to draw a really big crowd of people standing in the middle of Merdeka Square, in the eve of our National Day. The same thing happened to the Merdeka Stadium, in the evening of our National Day.
Some say that is patriotism. Some say that is an excuse for entertainment. Some say it's stupid to be sweaty in the crowd for nothing. Some say it's an experience that is a must for every Malaysian. Some say that is the symbolic of the unity. Some call it hyprocracy.
However, what really matters is, everyone is aware of the celebration. No matter what people say, the celebration is running and had run, succesfully. It has somewhat showed to the world that we, the malaysians, are doing great be it true or untrue. It's a platform for us to perform. What we want is of course a good outcome.
Ask yourself, do you know the true meaning of 'merdeka'? Why are we celebrating it over and over again every year? Why is this celebration being put so much an emphasis? What are the information that is being disseminated through this event? What is the vitality of unity? WHat is harmony?
Frankly, I did not see the importance of celebrating this event. Historically wise? Economically wise? Politically wise? Socially wise? I don't know. Anyway, for the whole of the 31st August 2007, what i knew was that i spent my whole day in MidValley Shopping Mall, enjoying the Merdeka holiday, grabbing the Merdeka sale although I'm a bit of upset because of the unusual huge crowd of people. Maybe I am not oberservant enough to notice it, or maybe I was born too far behind of 1957. You may say I take things for granted, heck, you are correct and I strongly believe it happens not only to me, and also to the few hundred thousands of the members of younger generation like me. Many celebrate it just for the sake of it. Nothing more and nothing less.
It's hard to instill the values of 'merdeka' in us but it has to be said that, most of us and in fact, all of us are patriotic. We love this nation. We love her for her peace. We love her for the freedom from disasters and catastrophes. We love the stability of politics. We love the pace of living. We love the cost of living. Most importantly, we love our home. This is the merryland where our home is in. This is where we would call home country. This is the place where I find myself most familiar with. This is where I feel at home. This is my nation. I love my home, hence, I love my nation! So, happy merdeka!
written by
3:00 AM
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