Will a feeling of disgust of a person towards another a fake disgust?
Do you even care if your disgust towards a person is a real or fake disgust? How possibly you will have a fake disgust towards a person? Omg, I don't know what am i trying to say.
Disregard that.
Haha, here comes my wishlist for the year 2008:
1) pass all my EASA modular examinations!
2) pass my grade 8 piano, with merit/distinction =P
3) get a convenient, good and affordable house to move in
4) get salay increment, be financially established!
5) a brand new piano!
6) meet up a friend......................
7) good speaker for my pc
8) more free time to relax and sleep, to indulge myself with games
9) a convenient swimming pool ( let me swim! ), have been too far from swimming pool
10) less trouble to come about especially human-to-human problems
11) a new bag
12) a new handphone
13) happy and enjoyable 2008!
*world peace* LOL
happy New year everyone!
Bagan should lead the global way
2 months ago
dude! you want to buy a house next year?? so fast wanna start family edi? y la? u salah tembak izit? kakaka =P
Not to buy a house lah.. i kena halau from my house thats y need to find a new house to rent!
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