Tuesday, April 27, 2010


担心, 人生中总是充满着担心这两个字. 我担心这样, 担心那样. 人之常情吧?

其实, 人能做的真的是有限的. 很多事情, 到了某种程度, 我们已经是竭尽所能, 剩余的也只能够听天由命.

往往, 担心就是从那儿源起. 停顿了的双手使到脑袋空洞产生了心中感到的不踏实. 这种忐忑, 相信大家都尝试过. 最明显的也不过于期待着考试成绩的那一刹那. 再来就是上过山车前的那种心情. 又或者是上台演讲前的感受?

担心, 真的有用吗?

因为担心表现不好所以紧张. 因为担心得不偿失所以没胆去做. 因为担心外面有扒手所以不敢逛街. 因为担心出车祸所以不敢驾车. 因为担心钱币有菌所以不敢触碰. 因为担心厕所有鬼所以憋尿. 因为担心....所以....

太多太多的担心使到我们怯步. 当然也让我们有了虚假的安全感因为在我们为某件事担心时,感觉上我们似乎做了一些东西, 心里也好过一些. 但, 这一些担心全都是多余的. 当我们在担心时, 负面的心情会变得更负面. 要记得, 我们可以善用这些用来担心的时间. 我们可以享乐, 可以修边, 可以放松从而建造快乐与高兴.

通常, 担心都是虚有的. 我们做人只要做好本分剩余的都不用管了, 也管不了. 船到桥头自然直, 我相信这句话.

不违言, 我也是"担心一族". 然而, 我学着释放那心里的不安, 放开我管不了的.

因为我知道: 担心, 是多余的.

Friday, April 23, 2010




Friday, April 16, 2010

I hate it when they say " I am me"

I hate it when people say "I am myself" or "I am who I am". True enough that every individual is different to some extent, but to use the "I am myself" that kind of statement is unjustifiable.

If you're a person who don't eat leftover food, who will throw away all the food without thinking of how lucky you are in comparison to those who starve to death, when confronted with a suggestion from a friend that you can keep those food for lunch the next day, your reply would probably be:"nah, it's so not me!". Now, what is you? What do you mean by being you? Do you think that the habit of not eating leftover food originated from you? Hell no! How can you pick up someone else's habit, a long inherited habit and say that it's yours and call it "me" or "myself"?

When someone is associated with his habits or so called "styles", he would be very reluctant to change, even though the habit could be negative. He would be proud to say that it's HIS style (of numerous habits of others that being put into he himself). He would be so convinced that only he possesses those qualities, and when he is encountered with another person who acted in somehow a similar way that he does, he would ask, with sarcasm: why do you copy my style?, as if he has the copyright of the actions that he adopted from other sources!

Let's continue with the aforesaid example: "it's so not me!" and followed by throwing away the food into the rubbish bin. This is clearly a not very desirable outcome. If you knew that the portion of food is too much for the people, then cook lesser or you could possibly keep them for the following day. Maybe you can say that you have plenty of money and you can buy the food anytime you want, that is true. However, you have failed to visualize that food supply is actually limited that only a certain amount of food can be produced at a single time. Hence, with your wastage of food, the demand for the food increases while the supply stays the same, you, yes, I mean YOU have already deprived the food for people who lived in poverty all over the world. When you waste your food, the food prices might increase to an extent that they can't afford it, because these people are living with less than $1 a day. If one has associated himself with the so-called "my style", with his reluctance to change, he has caused some other people to live in hunger(in this instance).

I would like to clarify that I am not against anyone who uphold a certain good values, which in turns build up a good character and personality. But again, they are not exclusively belong to you, they are some common values that are being upheld by some other people in the world. For that, I believe you can't define as your style either.

For what I believe is that one can freely adopt a values or styles and call himself a practitioner of the style but not calling the style that he practices as HIS style.

Friday, April 9, 2010







Friday, April 2, 2010

when I am too free.

The position of the clouds have never changed since.. err i can't remember how long ago. It remained stagnant there, over the ranges. It has became kind of a routine to go to school and ended up with flight cancellation. Should I be happy for getting day-offs?

I feel very free now. Nothing is bothering me in my mind. I have no particular thing i want to do nor a particular thing that I need to do. Maybe cooking myself a lunch. LOL.

I think i will go out for a bicycle ride. To way further down south or up north! I shall see what would I discover. hahaha.


Thursday, April 1, 2010



