Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Good bye Johan!

Johan is going home tomorrow! He is multi-engine and instrument rated now. He has been a good friend and good teacher all these while.

Looking at him now, I saw my future. In around half a year time, I should be like him today, waving to everybody, say good bye to my fellow friends and embark on a journey back home!

We had a small party. Very homely party indeed. It bonds us all together and at the same time, it boosted my morale. I want to go home in pride! I shall do my best!

and what I am going to do now is to sleep and to prepare for tomorrow's flight! good night!

Monday, March 29, 2010






Sunday, March 28, 2010



宁静的夜晚,月亮若隐若现,我们坐在地上,高谈阔论起来。 望着天上闪耀的星星,聊起外太空的世界。外星人、太空船等等等都成了话题。




“乒乒乓乓”,看见一个水瓶飞过击中了我身旁的那辆停泊的车,差那么一点点就飞在我身上了!望去另一边,只见一辆黑色的汽车开着窗,里边作者两个阿飞大声地喊道:“#¥%…&@#%%¥”!我们大吓了一跳。庆幸的是他们也奔驰的走了。我们赶忙息了灯,抄捷径!飞快的逃命啊!!! 哈哈,还蛮好玩的。

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Inner Strength

I cycled to Coles again today. Alone.

And today is a little bit different than some other days. I saw a very motivating moment! Perhaps Buddha wants me to see that!

I was cycling half way through from Coles back home and i arrived at a junction. There are a few cars parked at the road side. Nothing was so different from the usual scene. I was still with my helmet, my earphone and my bag of groceries. Then, I saw a wheelchair beside the driver side door of a car. The door was wide opened. I saw this girl, putting in a lot of effort to disassemble the wheel from the chair. I was wondering if there is anyone by her side... but, there was none when I looked closer in.

Hence, I put my bicycle to a halt and dismounted my bicycle. I walked towards her, wanting to help her, but somehow my instinct told me not to! I walked to her side, i didn't utter a single word, preparing to help if she couldn't make it for some reason. She knew my existence. She continued her effort despite it was hard for her. For less than 3 minutes, with some physical strength, she managed to transfer the chair into the passenger side. She shouted with joy and exhilaration!! The smile on her face was unforgettable! I am so glad that I didn't help. A kind act sometimes just isn't as good as self-accomplishment!

She turned to me with a smile and said thanks. I gave my big smile with a thumb up to her! I was happy from inside! Inspired. Despite being physically impaired, she is independent. Moreover, she is capable of driving! She is really one of a kind! Bravo!

Thanks to her, I have got an inspiration and motivation! She proved to me that everything is possible! What refraining ourselves to something better is basically our fear and anxiety. While she can overcome her obstacles, why can't we?

For this very reason, I promise myself to continue my life journey with enthusiasm and endless effort. I shall lead my life as greatly as yours!!

Saturday, March 20, 2010







Friday, March 12, 2010





