Thursday, July 29, 2010




再多一个月,我的感触应该会更多吧…… 首个出国的经验。再次回家又会有什么感觉呢?

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

阔别已久的阴天又再现。 乌云密布,风轻轻吹。冷。



Friday, July 2, 2010

I forgot when, i start to type without thinking of where the buttons are located.

I forgot when, I ride a bicycle without needing to think that i would fall.

I forgot when, I type sms without looking at the phone.

I forgot when, I play piano on both hands with ease.

But, they are all started with hardships and countless falls. Determination and dedication plays a great part of it. Looking forward for the next milestone in my life.