me and Jason, my first instructor!
Dave and Cam put it on for me.... haha
the sunrise signifies hope, where there is sunrise, there is hope. We wake up to the sunrise, with new target to achieve everyday. Together we move forward.
me and Jason, my first instructor!
Dave and Cam put it on for me.... haha
written by
1:51 PM
thoughts or advices
Maybe I have got too used to waking up early, this morning, i woke up at 2am. Stunned, that was without alarm. I saw the reflection from the mirror, the tree out there was shaking vigorously and that implied strong wind which is not good for flying. Nevertheless, I continued sleeping while waiting for my 4am alarm.
"tang tang tang........." my alarm rang. Before my eyes could be opened widely, i saw the vague static reflection of the trees... not really static but much steadier than the one i saw at 2 am. the wind can dies off within 2 hours.... unpredictable.
Wind was showing 8 knots when i got to school, full headwind. I went up in that condition. Within an hour, it changed to 14 knots. Didn't really realise it in flight though. But I did notice the airspeed was much slower that more power is needed for the final approach. So by the time i reach back to ground, ATIS information changed to B, 320/14. and that implied I can't go solo because the upper limitation for solo is 8 knots of total wind.... However, I was somehow contented today because I have performed 4 smooth landings and good circuits up there. :)
After came back to ground, we were asked by our instructors to wash the aeroplane. yea, WASH the aeroplane. never experienced washing one even when i was a trainee aircraft engineer. It was great fun for 12 of us to wash one small aeroplane. haha. More like our playground than proper washing.... the result was satisfactory though. =)
wow, had an AWESOME dinner! Thanks Daniel Z's mum for cooking! Ayam masak merah and biriyani rice were served and I myself went for 2 rounds! SATISFACTION, do you know what that really means? stomach filled with good food!!
The night continued with CS lan party... again, another superb one.
and yeah, the new batch of cadets are arriving tomorrow morning. They should have already departed now from KL. Get to meet them soon..
Till then!
written by
6:54 PM
thoughts or advices
I'm having a bottle of beer... it's late at night. I am alone. It's dim, in this lonely and silent living room. They are all sleeping. I am tired but I'm resisting the temptation to go to bed. It feels so great to continue stay online at this hour. Abit crazy right? but yeah, it feels good.
We went to Southport today. Visited Australia Fair, a shopping mall which looked ugly from outside but beautiful inside. Nothng much there, just a shopping mall with more or less the style of The Curve back in PJ. Tired of shopping mall, i decided to check out the Broadwater which is said to be at the opposite of Australia Fair(wikipedia). So i went, and Dan and Hare came with me. The rest continued shopping.....
I wouldn't have called it a nice trip without a visit to the broadwater... The view is nice andmagnificent. I felt so comfortable there. The ships and yachts just appear at the place it should appear. The high rise buildings surround the broadwater. Q1 tower stood so firmly there. Seaworld can be clearly viewed from the broadwater. It's simply relaxing....
For dinner: I presented my virgin Chic-kut-teh.. haha.. it turns out not too bad for a dinner. haha. shall try again some other times again, with improvement of course.... =)
written by
12:28 AM
thoughts or advices
It has gotta be Chinese New Year for me to drink some soft drinks at this hour... Yea, i seldom touch soft drinks. I have been keeping myself from it apparently, just wouldn't want to get too involved with drinking soft drinks. Addiction isn't the greatest thing in the world to have. But then, I'm obsessed with coffee... hahaha
Back to what I wanna say, I am drinking Sprite at the moment. Not something common that i do. But then, can't resist to buy the sprite at a reduced price in Coles the other day. paying 50 cents for a can of sprite is irresistable. So we bought 2 boxes and ended up with 48 cans to be shared by 3 of us. and that means we have got 16 cans per person. This is only my 3rd can. Told you I'm not really a soft drink person. and the reason behind drinking sprite now is that I don't have boiled water at the moment in this house. Cooling is in the process, another 15 minutes till my cooled boiled water is ready.
And the following happened from 6 am in the morning today:
"mate, we will jump in the aircraft when the clock shows 615."
"yea sure."
"ready to go?"
620: in the aircraft...
*flow checks*
"Juliet foxtrot romeo, dual, received sierra, request taxi"
"Juliet foxtrot romeo taxi to holding point foxtrot runway32, cross runway35."
"taxi to holding point foxtrot runway32, cross runway35, juliet foxtrot romeo."
*taxi checks*
*engine run-up checks*
*before take off checks*
"mate, I don't think the weather is in favour of you, I am going to request taxi back to GA."
"Gold coast ground, juliet foxtrot romeo requests taxi back to GA due to unsuitable weather."
Back in school. and stayed until 3pm.
basically, i have been awake for 18 hours today. ......
written by
7:36 PM
thoughts or advices
I am accumulating all the luck for Monday.. hehe. I need to get "the feeling" before i step out of house on monday like what i did on Thursday.. hehe
written by
2:17 PM
thoughts or advices
Western + eastern style.. LOL
Haha, and you knwo what, our neighbour saw us partying inside the house without alcohol, he gave some bottles to us.. it's very nice of him... but then again, we don't really drink. haha
thanks guys, namely: andy, azlan, bashir, emma, danny, daniel, hare, lekky, dan, arvin and also adam... haha.. =) cheers!! you all made my day..
I must thank aunty for the superb chicken rice served on friday night.. haha.
Celebrated adam's birthday by then as well... I was in as well.. haha..
It was Adam's 18th Birthday!!!
Look at the chicken rice!! It was a heaven for us! who were starved from good food for weeks.. haha
Had a great night there that day......
and special thank to everyone who wished me happy birthday! May God bless you all as well!!!
written by
2:24 PM
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written by
10:28 PM
thoughts or advices
Dave with Adam and I.
Cameron and I.
Jeremy and I.
Me and Jason.
Special thanks to Caroline, Dave, Jill, Cameron, Jeremy, Jason and all my batchmates who sang for Adam and I.... Greatly appreaciate it!
Btw, Happy birthday Adam!
written by
1:24 PM
thoughts or advices
A sudden happiness struck in. damn happy, don't know why though... was abit stressed just now. now i feel just right. However, I have got to go back to my books later.... Maybe after dinner and after my shower. hehe. PPL pre-test tomorrow. I have not studied enough, I know that. Gotta give all out already.
I am relaxed... how about you?
written by
4:35 PM
thoughts or advices
arghh.... it's depressing. I want to fly but I am not scheduled to fly tomorrow..
my sore throat is recovering, not fully recovered yet.. although the doctor said I can fly, my instructors insisted me to have enough rest before flying which is for my own good, I know that. It will a week since i last flown to my next flight which i reckon will be on Thursday. It is forecasted that we will have thunder storm that day though. When am I going to have my solo like this? Can i achieve it before my birthday? Hopefully I DO!
Friday is my ppl exam... mugged up and go for exam. shouldn't be a problem. I'm just so not in the mood to study. Have to adjust that. Perhaps i would be more energetic if my throat is normal... haha
Talking about my throat, the doctor visit here is different from Malaysia. Their doctors don't sell medicine like Malaysian doctors do. I got the prescription from the doctor which is printed professionally on a very high quality sort of paper, something like a certificate. Then what I do next is to go to the chemist and get the medicine there. The doctor visit alone costs me $20.00, which is already a reduced price. and the penicilin which is prescribed to me costs me another $16.65. We are not allowed to buy the drugs without prescription from doctors. Credit to the school for arranging the appointment for me and Caroline, the General Manager who sent me to the doctor with her Nissan 350Z Fair Lady, a nice car indeed. They took very good care of me.
Must do some mental flying so that all the things are able to be kept in mind and i can fly better and accurately in next flight.
menu for tonight:
1. butter chicken
2. cauli flower
3. cabbage soup with carrot
*served with white grain rice and plain water
written by
2:30 PM
thoughts or advices
I have been eating raw garlic since last night. I think it works really well for the sore throat i have. It's recovering so rapidly although it is spicy and hot which is not really tasty to be eaten raw. But yeah, I am going to have another one in an hour or two just to ensure that it cures fully. and of course another one at night.
My voice was a little coarse yesterday night and this morning, now it is slowly comes back to normal. I can speak with ease now. LOL. Thank God it lasted for short period of time only, shall keeo drinking water and also keep eating garlic. LOL.
Heading to school in awhile to do some practise in the aircraft, it's much that way than imagining a virtual cockpit at home. Rocks the plane. haha
written by
7:30 AM
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