Friday, November 30, 2007
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Is a piece of writing more sincere or words from our mouth?
I choose writing, because it can be kept.
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1:35 AM
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Saturday, November 24, 2007
Sometimes, without our realization, the words that come out from our words are very hurtful.
Even phrase like: "No!" is already a sharp knife that cuts in people's heart.
The art of speaking is very widely available in the market, to help people coping with the uncontrolled words from their mouth and thus making a conversation not as sharp as it originally is.
Think back again, should the world be like this? Filled with superficial conversation? Talking for the sake of talking? Pleasing people using he conversation? Oh god. please.
To the world outside, yes, maybe. But, to those who are close to me? A definate NO from me.
I don't wish my friends to act superficially in front of me. As I gave in the true self of mine, I wish to have their true self when they are with me. Sincere and pure.
written by
12:15 AM
thoughts or advices
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Sometimes, being too observant isn't a good thing.
Being over-excited about what we have observed and start telling everyone else is out of my option. Speak when neccessary. Be sensitive. Beware of adding salt to a wound.
written by
2:07 PM
thoughts or advices
Saturday, November 17, 2007
It has been an emo week. Everything seems to go wrong. It's hard to get along with some people sometimes. Maybe I am also the one some other people find disturbing?
I don't know and I don't wish to know. It's always good that people interacting with me with a smiling face rather than a f***ed-up ugly face.
Hyprocrites are everywhere but I just despise them. That is my problem. I couldn't help, but i have to accept that as that is the phenomenon out there in the working environment. No more a naive school-hood.
I understand that:-
- I can't expect people to be the way I want them to be
- I don't need to tolerate everyone to satisfy their needs
- I can choose to be the way i want to be with no approval from anyone
- Angry over a fella is not worth my day
- Being a little bit ignorant is good
- Maintaining high profile will incur jealousies
- Mainting low profile won't do you any good
- Moderation is the best
- Back-stabbing will defame me myself
- People appreciate our praise towards them for what they did right
- Being nice to people will bring back the same return
- I have no choice but to live with people ( the world is not about me myself )
Cheers! *smile*
I am smiling to you, feel it. =)
written by
12:29 AM
thoughts or advices
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Sharing is caring?
Are you comfortable sharing secrets with your friends?
Perhaps some would say yes and some would say no. Sharing secrets is indeed one of the most wonderful thing in the world. Depends on timing.
Everyone has the right to talk.
Everyone can choose what they want to talk and nobody can force someone to tell what he/she doesn't want to talk about.
Some maybe inferior of others. While some care too much about what others think. It's not too good to keep everything to oneself. Indeed, one will feel empty, directionless and emotionally down when things kept on going wrong and one can't share a thing with other to either release the tension or maybe ask for opinion.
Secrets. To talk or to keep? Up to us. I feel that there are times when I need to keep and there are times when I need to talk. When I am not comfortable in talking, I will find it disturbing being forced to tell, and of course, couldn't help talking. The feeling is just out of place.
A question of mine: Will we be to vulnerable to others when we stood naked in front of people?
Something, I do keep it to myself.
written by
2:03 AM
thoughts or advices
Friday, November 9, 2007
I feel like playing piano at this moment but it's too late at night, i will wake the whole world up if i really do so...... I need some relaxation, i was studying the whole night. Fortunately I still have this little space for me to write......
These are some of the FAQs people ask me when i tell them: I play piano.
What's your grade? : 6 at the moment. On my way to 8.
When did you start? : The end of 2003, when i finished my PMR.
Wow, so fast? : yeah, i skipped several grades.
Can meh? : can.
Is it difficult? : yes and no, depends on you.
How do you recognise the notes? : through practise.
Expensive ar?? : one-third of my salary!
Do you get bored playing piano? : after long time practising the same song, i will feel bored playing the song, not the piano.
I want to start playing now, is it too late? : Nope, it will be later if you start later.
Can you teach me? : It's more proper to find a teacher to teach because i'm still a noob.
written by
4:29 AM
thoughts or advices
Happy Birthday...
When the clock striked 00:00 on the 7th Nov, I am officially 19.
By then, I was in a SLK, Haha, Super Little Kancil; trying to enjoy the rough ride Su Wen gave to us(Wei Kai, Manraj and me). She drive through a bump at the speed of 80KM/H! Can you imagine it? The whole Kancil shaked like hell. Manraj and I, by the law of inertia =P, banged into the front seat. Only Wei Kai, who is held by the safety belt didn't feel such an impact. Anyway, that was great! She actually didn't notice there is a bump there and the road is so empty that it became so tempting for her to speed! ( and actually we shouted to her "Bump! Bump! Bump!" and she just simply ignored it )
The outcome? Her tyres' rims are cracked. All the four of them. Very terrible indeed.
Back to the house, we all planned to study initially, to prepare for the next day's unrecorded trial exam but don't know why, we are all distracted and bump into chit-chatting which lasted for four hours until 4 o'clock in the morning! And at the end of that, we all got into deep shit for didn't open the book.
"Shit! I should be studying!" "God! I didn't touch the book the whole night!" "I am so tired! I am going to die the next day!"
All sorts of complaints came out.
Well, it just like what we have predicted, we all failed the exam the next day. Haha,but luckily most of the people failed with only one or 2 passes. And fortunately I didn't fail badly. I get 71%. 4% short of the passing marks 75%. Still happy.
No grand celebration this year. But this year i received a lot of birthday wishes. That's a very good present for me. I really appreciate it. I am happy. I appreciate their effort in giving me phone calls at 12, sending me smses at 12.
I kept all the birthday wishes in my phone's inbox and there are 25 of them. Not yet count the oral wishes and the wishes direct to me in Friendster. Thanks a lot my friends, for remembering.
And my wish this year: may all the wishes my friend gave me comes true! haha! I wish i passed all the EASA examinations!
Next target: Pass the coming exam on Monday.
written by
12:17 AM
thoughts or advices
Saturday, November 3, 2007
I have already indulged myself for the whole night tonight. I am supposed to hold on to my Electronic Fundamentals book. Gosh. I have to swallow the whole book by next wednesday........ Disregard the mumbles.
Is big mouth always contibuting to good first impression? Why do some not-too-good people sounded so brilliant the first time we saw them? Why do some brilliant people sounded ordinary?
"Don't judge a book by its cover"
this is the famous quote that we usually use. But, how many people really practise it?
Over and over again, people who impress others at the first sight are usually people who are outspoken, loud, and comfortable in talking to a complete stranger. ( Usually, they talk for the sake of it, without specific purpose. )
It's more often than not, the one will be remembered by people disregard of one's ability.
Attention to theone is therefore doubled, or maybe tripled.
Are you for or against such person? Is it a must-master skill?
p/s: bear in mind that overly-react people will draw envious and hatred!
written by
1:06 AM
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