Constantly reading people's blogs. Why do others know so much stuffs while I myself know little? The question arose. Am I really as tiny as what I think I am? envious.
Why others can do self-learning, while I relied upon teachers?
grrr...... I must start up with my digital piano. =.=" having bought her for like 10 months, I haven't really explore her functions other than she can be played like a piano and do some recording. I have yet to touch all the computer connection thingy. next week I will be in class again. so not next week. Week after next i guess. """"keep in mind keep in mind""" this time I want to do things without a teacher. by referring to manual. hope i can get that right.
come to think about myself, set aside my studies, piano is the only thing that I have that's up to some standard. The others? crappy.
One significant change about myself after joining transmile: I get more technical.
I have just taken out a broken string from my piano. upright piano of course. I don't think i will do the same thing a year back then. I must learn tuning some other time. It seemed to me, the piano structure is kinda simple! ^^
thinking of taking performance cert/diploma in music. but then, time constraint. or else i will be suffering like what i had early this year with my grade8 exam and my easa exam clashed together. Should I? or should I not? maybe later when I have finished all my modular exams.
Bagan should lead the global way
2 months ago
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