Looking at this blank space of blog entry column, my mind went blank. My feeling got mixed up. and i don't know what to write in this space. But I want to write something.
I have yet to see my toolbox's condition. They claimed that they broke opened my toolbox to find for some stupid mounting bolt, end up found none in it. Hope the condition isnt too bad.
I wanted to change my sim card today. But too bad that i have forgotten the sim card is under my bro's name! I need him to replace the sim card. My trip wasted and I continue to suffer from the fucked up sim card. My phone! Can you stop showing the "check your sim" type of message ???!!!!!!
I'm thinking whether or not to go back to hangar on Monday...
I got a strong feeling for dimsum after chatted wth Abbie just now about the dimsum.! yummy yummy....
I'm a bit pissed off with my piano playing skills... my hands aren't under control... I will make sure it will be!
I'm superbly tired, yet I don't wanna sleep..... What's wrong with me?
I'm worried over monetary matters. I'm starting to keep track on my expenses.... Building up my database....
My sis still in the cold war with me. I'm not obliged to anything. She doesn't plan or maybe should I say, she should plan in favour of my time? It's not my fault. There is no reason for her to be angry with me. No.
I am going for class this coming Thursday... Anticipating a hell-like life! Aviation Legislation!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
written by
11:46 PM
thoughts or advices
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Interaction with total strangers.
Days before, Khai told me that Ben did this thing to a total stranger when they were out for dinner in Ming Tien ss24: He was attracted by her, thus sending her a written message via a waiter. He is still waiting for a reply. Maybe he got the reply by now, I don't know.
Do you think he will get the reply? How would you react when someone did that to you? Will you reply?
How much courage does it take to send in a piece of message like that?
How would people perceive that kind of action? desperation? but hell no!
Look at crowds in the KL city, how many people do we actually know when walking on the street? How the hell that we don't know majority of people? Disregarding that, do you know your neighbour? I don't.
Can we get closer? How can we interact with a total stranger without much of awkwardness? How can we get connected with others? How do we know more people? How?
written by
12:36 AM
thoughts or advices
Sunday, October 12, 2008
cooperative behaviour
I watched National Geography just now. watched the research on the human baby behaviour and chimpanzee behaviour on cooperation.
The result: Chimpanzee will cooperate, but when it comes to helping other without getting anything they will not tolerate. Human baby, they are born with the spirit of cooperation even without getting anything in return.
They came out with a conclusion that human can help each other without being calculative.
I doubt that.
Fair enough, when all of us aren't competing against each other, we are good, and sure, we work together. But, when it comes to some competition, humans are ugly.
See all the politics around us. See all the warfare out there. They all arose because human can't tolerate with one another. They can't compromise for the opponents' need. They aren't cooperative.
2 person, who don;t know each other, at their hungriest possible state. When suddenly a piece of small bun is given to them, do you think they will share among themselves?
for me, human can't be standardized. Humans are not equally born. How can they concluded on a certain behaviour by only taking a baby's behaviour into account? How can they don't take enough sample? Why they don't choose adults as the sample? Aren't they hypocrite that to get their desired result, they choose only the promising sample? What's the use of the experiment then?
At least chimpanzee is straight forward, human? You will never know what's one thinking. AT this instance he is helping you, but the next instance you know, he has taken advantage from you.
BTW, do you know that there is only one DNA mutation in the past that made human superior to chimpanzee? It's the DNA of our jaw muscle which is so much weaker than theirs, but then, it allowed a bigger brain capacity to be developed, thus made us superior. ^
written by
2:02 AM
thoughts or advices
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Changes in company
News are everywhere in my company. Just within 3 days, I received 3 major news......
There might be a massive increment for us the trainees! Really anticipating our pay slip end of this month! Anyway, it might only be a rumour.....
A very high passing rate for our current EASA part 66 exam! I passed all 2 modules with 90 and 95! Congratulation to all my fellow classmates and batch-mates who have made it through...
There is a change in our programme. Some will be happy, and others, upset. I don't fancy this to happen. Getting my fingers crossed for the list to come out.
written by
7:40 PM
thoughts or advices
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Was having tea with a group of friends just now. All of sudden they talked about standard 6 stuffs. Oh dear, that was like 8 years ago. wow! Vividly, i still remember I was transferred to a new school in Tanjung Malim, after having 5 years of primary education in Sg Petani. It was a hell for me. Seriously.
Maybe because of that year, I became what I am today. It motivated me a lot. Also, it demotivated a lot more. I wouldn't want to recall what happenend in that new school of mine which I don't enjoy studying in it, an experience which I don't think will happen if I continue studying in my previous primary school. Sadness struck in.
But then again, whatever it is, I am happy now. I have my group of best friends, I have my great family members, I have my career making up its shape, I have cheerful, considerate and helpful batchmates and housemates, I have my piano, I have my swimming trunk, I have my allowance, I have my racquet etc etc... I will always remember this phrase that I always tel myself:"when things go tougher, the tough keeps going".
I don't enjoy the memory that I had put aside being triggered again. The memory will stick with me forever, but its effect, I believe, is soon to be vanished.
Don't ask me what it is, I will never answer.
written by
12:25 AM
thoughts or advices
Saturday, October 4, 2008
I cooked dinner today. One pot of soup and broccoli. My dad fried the fish. My mum went for vacation in China. Having 5 days dinner out there is not a good choice, so, we left with cooking.
it was actually my first try for the soup and the broccoli. My dad and my sis probably didn't knew it. I acted pro. lol. and above all, their taste turned out ok. although the soup was abit too salty, still edible. =P i can call myself a chef!
i experienced shopping for vegetable alone today. It was a brand new experience for me. I went supermarket without any clue of what to buy. I was stunned there in the fresh market. I went round and round over the same place. Almost an hour I spent there buying only carrots, tomatos, eggs, potatoes and broccoli. Considered quite good for a newbie like me right? Please say yes.
written by
1:57 AM
thoughts or advices
pessimism and envious
Constantly reading people's blogs. Why do others know so much stuffs while I myself know little? The question arose. Am I really as tiny as what I think I am? envious.
Why others can do self-learning, while I relied upon teachers?
grrr...... I must start up with my digital piano. =.=" having bought her for like 10 months, I haven't really explore her functions other than she can be played like a piano and do some recording. I have yet to touch all the computer connection thingy. next week I will be in class again. so not next week. Week after next i guess. """"keep in mind keep in mind""" this time I want to do things without a teacher. by referring to manual. hope i can get that right.
come to think about myself, set aside my studies, piano is the only thing that I have that's up to some standard. The others? crappy.
One significant change about myself after joining transmile: I get more technical.
I have just taken out a broken string from my piano. upright piano of course. I don't think i will do the same thing a year back then. I must learn tuning some other time. It seemed to me, the piano structure is kinda simple! ^^
thinking of taking performance cert/diploma in music. but then, time constraint. or else i will be suffering like what i had early this year with my grade8 exam and my easa exam clashed together. Should I? or should I not? maybe later when I have finished all my modular exams.
written by
1:30 AM
thoughts or advices
Friday, October 3, 2008
We don't need a reason to be happy. But happiness become more substantial when it came with a reason. For in this world, there are so many reasons to be happy.
this morning's reasons for my happiness:
-woke up healthily.
-went out for breakfast safely.
-crowd for the 'lam mee' is lesser than usual!
-had a nice breakfast.
-had a nice hair cut.
-needn't to wait for my IC renewal.
-have time to settle my online banking thingy this afternoon!
written by
12:37 PM
thoughts or advices
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
written by
1:16 AM
thoughts or advices