I have had a serious emotional swing for the past 2 weeks. I am saddened by the catastrophe in Maynmar and China. In addition to it, my personal issue which i choose not to disclose it.
I tried crying. But tears refused to come out from my eyes. I felt the pain. I felt the cut. I know my heart is longing for a relief. Tears, still refused to come out. I ask myself, do i still know how to cry? had my tears get frozen permanently in my heart?????????????? Tears, where are you????
I think a lot in the night. Where is it going to lead me to? Will my life be entirely changed? I don't know. I chose to take it in positively. I take it as an energy for me to live my life to the fullest. I take it as a force for me to contribute to the society.
Some of them noticed a change in me. Might be a minute change, but as far as I am concerned, I appeared as the OLD me in front of them. Thanks for noticing and sorry for not responding. That might not be the best solution, but that is what I'm comfortable with. I want to hear laughter!
Thanks to a bunch of friends beside me. They might not know what had happened, but they cheered me up. The laughter in my face remained. My heart started to smile, again.
p/s: you won't get any answer from me if you ask what personal issue is that. don't ever try. that's only for me to know.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
written by
1:12 AM
thoughts or advices
Saturday, May 17, 2008
With all due respect, I pay my respect and extend my deepest apologizes to HIM.
written by
11:34 AM
1 thoughts or advices
Sunday, May 11, 2008
written by
9:52 PM
thoughts or advices
Happy birthday my friends
Happy birthday my friends. I know I'm late but I have got no time to blog. haha.
DODODO! SZE MUN! HAPPY 20TH BIRTHDAY! (06.05) both on the same day... lol
I'm not sending any text messages for I have given you this space. haha^^
written by
1:22 AM
thoughts or advices
RM 268
I have just earned RM 268 today, by luck! LOL.
My sister had her grade 7 theory exam today in Damansara Jaya.
Rockie thus asked me to go to Trinity National Office in Mont kiara today to attend my piano class....
When i arrived, there was a European welcoming me. His name is David. Around 70. Trinity Guildhall SE Asia Regional Consultant.
Rockie wasn't around yet. He went for lunch. So i chatted with Mr David, and i told him that my exam is on the coming Tuesday, and I went there for my piano class. Very unexpectedly, he asked me to play for him! At the same time, he told me that he is going to examine in Bangkok for the next few days. What a luck for me to get him to hear me play!
Btw, he was very easy to communicate with. He looked very happy and anticipated my playing. OMG, I was very scared. I scared that i would disappoint him. Just before i started to put my fingers on the piano. Rockie came in. He was very much surprised that David was with me in the office. He was so greatful that David wants to listen to me. He said: It's better to get a third person's opinion on my playing prior to exam. and he added: Chanzhe, play. My pressure doubled.
So i played....
and the followinf are what he said.
Children's Corner: An easy pass. ( i was exhilarated from this ). Nice touch. Then he proceed to show me some details that I have not been doing. He emphasised on some parts that I neglected before. He said, I am looking for the sound, not the semi quavers. Exactly like what Rockie told me earlier. It's the kind of sound that makes all the difference. I picked up some new technique of playing. ^^
Adagio in C: one remarkable one: I try not to give any destructive comment. Smooth playing but a bit dull. Make it alive. ( I knew it wasn't good. haha. but i will work on it these few days.) He gave me a "notes on piano pieces" for me to play better in this piece. it worths rm68 according to Rockie.
Take the 'A' Train: Nice. You can get a 20! Just have to make sure the chord progression is good and play them tidily. ( wow, i was overjoyed! 20/22 is a great marks. ) =P
I spent almost an hour with him. He taught me some small but essential part of those pieces i played. He said: a small improvement in expression will create a holistic performance for a piece. He asked me to enjoy playing every pieces of mine. He was then left.
So Rockie tidy up all the advices he gave me and taught me another 1 hour. I have got a 2-hours piano class today. From Rockie, I have got to know that Mr David charges rm200 for his 1 hour lesson. And, he is the, if I'm not mistakenly remembered, vice chief examiner of the entire Trinity Guildhall Examination worldwide! I was stunned and I felt so honoured to have him to teach and guide me for an hour.
Hence, I earned rm 268. For the lesson and the book! What a wise choice of mine to accept Rockie's suggestion to go Trinity national Office for the class. ^^ Thanks Rockie.
written by
12:16 AM
thoughts or advices
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Back home
Less than an hour, i will start my journey back to Crimson..... Ellhhh!
Intense week for piano practising. NEXT MONDAY IS MY PIANO EXAM! T.T
I declare myself to be grounded for this one whole week!
Don't disturb for whatsoever reason.
Lucky that I have got a 'sun fong che' later. haha. Save me almost 1 hour from my usual bus ride. =)
Till then. Wish me luck!
The deal or no deal participant today is damn unlucky. Till now, still early stage, all the big money gone! But remarkable one, she is pretty! haha..... =P
written by
8:56 PM
thoughts or advices
Saturday, May 3, 2008
My passwords
Onine banking? Am I not fated to online banking? Why is it so hard for me to remember my online password??????? HELP ME! WHAT HAS GONE WRONG WITH MY BRAIN????
What a turn off. I thought I can comfortably manage my bank account without going out. But twice already, I have forgotten my password! =.=" Fortunately i still can remember my blogspot password.... If not, I wouldn't be able to update anymore......
I have to call the bank... Shit. 2 banks. =.="
Just hope for a better memory in the future! ^.-
written by
12:32 AM
thoughts or advices
Friday, May 2, 2008
don't ffk without informing!
i was so pissed off on Tuesday! i hate it when people FFK without informing! i even hate it more when that particular person cut off contact at that moment! i DESPISE people who did it REPEATEDLY!
Why is it so difficult to say that you're not coming? I'm the sort of person who will remember what i promised. I promised to meet you that night means i will free my schedule to meet you that night. I want to get the thing done! I have to pass the thing to you. I have already gave in all i can already. I arranged a lot of times for meeting up already...... i have had enough. I won't arrange anymore.
GKS, If you still want the thing, contact me. AND MAKE SURE YOU REALLY TURN UP!
written by
2:06 PM
thoughts or advices
Thursday, May 1, 2008

written by
11:39 PM
thoughts or advices
Famous Ipoh Chicken and Bean Sprout! <>!
Adrian, SAw and teong went up to Genting on the saturday.. I couldn't go because of the piano class that's held at 12 noon. >.< But i'm glad to join them in thecrazy Ipoh journey from genting and then back to Subang! They picked me up at my house in Tanjung Malim, then all the way we drove to Ipoh!
Kinda crazy to do like this just for food right? we did it!
hehe, actually they did it.... I'm just a follower... haha who cares?
written by
4:51 PM
thoughts or advices
Pre-Birthday Celebration for Teong

And the great thing is: WE DIDN"T GET TO EAT ANY OF THE CAKE!
we let him bring back home for his one week dessert.. We are damn nice right? I know we are.
written by
4:37 PM
thoughts or advices
Haha, this is the ballon I made when I was too free in the toolcrib...... haha what a nice week i have over there. Avin actually paste the ballon outside at the counter for everyone. But then Mr Sugu went and burst it. =.=" Of course, we wouldnt dare to say we made it... haha.. Guess what is the ballon made of? scroll down for the answer! haha
Roy waved his hand when I was taking the photo of the toolcrib without me realising.... =P yeah, so that is the toolcrib in Transmile Air!
The answer: Latex Glove. ^^
written by
3:21 PM
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