It seemed that the election this year involve a lot of usage of internet!
Just see how creative the DAP is... here
Is it time for a change?
Saturday, February 23, 2008
evolution of election?
written by
9:57 PM
thoughts or advices
Friday, February 22, 2008
Happy Moments
It was around 10:50pm. Adrian, Wei Kai and me just returned from the our previous house in Subang Mahsing. We were holding a 1.5k cheque received from Mr Wong, our kind landlord. Although it is a small amounts, still we feel very happy for the return of deposits and compensations. haha. The 3 noobs here have got NO EXPERIENCE in depositing the cheque. Just because we have seen before the cheque deposit machine, we went to bank.
"I think is this envelope"
"r u sure?"
"yes, yes, i think it is."
so, we get the envelope and found out only 3 envelopes on the table.
"there are only 3 chances!"
"read the instructions!"
"jaga sikit the money!"
the 3 of us non-stop speaking. Lol. Then I carefully picked up the pen and start writing something on the form. We were even unsure a kl cheque should be put outstation or local cheque in that Subang Terminal 3 Maybank. So, Adrian called and asked his dad and we finally decided on the local cheque column!
"go put in that machine d lah...."
so we kao tim all and put the cheque in, finally. Then we saw a big stake of envelope right above the cheque deposit machine. =.="
(fast forward>>basement parking lot in condo)
"tired lah! but damn happy, the money in d! haha. ^^"
"still have to wait 3 days!"
"wanna sleep d!"
*the elevator's door opened*
Adrian went in, press 3, 3rd floor. Then i turned again, he pressed 4,5,6.
"there is a cctv behind!",wei kai kinda shouted out.
Then, i went and pressed 7,8,9,10,...=P thinking that no more people will use the lift at this time. hahaha
*the lift went up to G, lift doors opened*
We saw a couple and an Indian fella coming in....... They were stunned looking at the control board! I saw Adrain looking down, abnormally(he stands in front of the board!), Wei Kai turned back facing the wall, and i looked down. All controlling hard to avoid burst into laughter.
The Indian fella press 2 and then chow d, after that fella gone. The men (the couple), said sarcastically:" There must be around ten people in this lift!" That fella press 11! that means each of the floor the lift will stop and doors will open........ =P
I straight away cannot tahan and turned back, laughed a bit by a bit.. controlling, if u noe what i mean....... Wei Kai doing the same thing as well......
it was like taking ages to reach the 3rd floor! the moment it reaches 3rd floor, we ran out with really loud laughter until we reach home! really really loud! Omg, it was so embarassing yet, we were so happy!
written by
11:45 PM
thoughts or advices
Saturday, February 16, 2008
written by
12:48 AM
thoughts or advices
Friday, February 15, 2008
time tickles away......
I'm feeling a bit of dizziness...... some unconciousness..... oh.. damn.
My holidays is going to finish very very soon. I don't really feel like going back to work, but if I don't go back there, I have got nothing to do here also...... Kinda contradicting right? I know I am. haha
I have slept well these few days.. almost everyday, i slept until 12pm or 1 pm. This is the most blessed moment of all.... to wake up naturally... haha
Oh yeah, about my CNY celebration, please visit this well illustrated blog of my cousin : reening
It has got something to do with my celebration because basically we are celebrating in the same house. I didn't know my house was that nice to be captured from the angle he took the picture......
Oh yeah, I will soon update my blog with the Di Zi Gui's review....
Till then!
written by
8:28 PM
thoughts or advices
written by
5:10 PM
thoughts or advices
Thursday, February 14, 2008
The election
Malaysian Parliament was dissolved yesterday. The statement that our PM gave the day before was a lie. "A normal cabinet meeting will be conducted tomorrow and parliament won't be dissolved", this statement was published on the 12th Feb over major newspaper in Malaysia. A myth in my head: why the heck should he lied?
Well, that's none of my business anyways... Just felt a bit of upset. Maybe I'm not a political person, I don't know what kind of brain they are having. Perhaps they are looking at things from a different perspective than most of us? The normal naive person?
There is another myth: why is our PM choosed to dissolved te parliament when so many disadvantageous news arosen? The Lingam's case which indirectly points to the deterioration of the judiciary system's independence has caused a certain amount of votes to go away from BN already..... And then the HINDRAF... a lot a lot.... maybe the politician mind is different? or they are scared of outburst of more disadvantageous news?I don';t know.... haha, I'm not a politician. I'm just an unqualified voter... Underage.. haha
I'm awaiting the war of posters and banners! HAHHAHAHA
They are so gonna mess up the town!
written by
11:24 AM
thoughts or advices
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Gong Xi Fa Cai
My friends came over to my place at around 11:40 pm. Every time also like that that it became a norm for them to visit my house this late, haha.... too bad that playing the piano this late will disturb neighbours.... can't fulfill their wish..... =P
A not-too-bad year for me. I won around Rm7 just now playing cards with them. It was fun though it wasn't right to gamble but fuck it, it's new year! so, who cares? This is one thing that Chinese can't eliminate, gambling........ Actually gambling isn;t any of the heavy criminals, it doesn;t do any harm to anybody except the person who gamble him/herself. Hence sometimes i don't see the point why some people is so against gambler. The person who gamble should be wise enough to judge him/herself whether or not he/she should gamble. What they do is their responsibilities. What a thrid-party member can do is only to give guidance and advice, the others are all depending on the will, awareness and maturity of the gambler. is it fair enough to say it like this??
there is a proverb in cantonese: light gambling brings fun, obsessive gambling brings bankruptcy..
I am actually against the obsessive gambling. I couldn't see the reason why people willing to pay out their pay cheque to the gambling table. Statistics, has been used wisely by the banker to ensure a gambling table wins. the chinese saying: in 10 games, 9 are losses isn;t coming from nowhere....
As a social gambler, i am annoyed by those people who cease their family responsibility just to fulfill their desire for gambling. i wonder how a dead gambling table manage to tie some of the people around it for their whole life, even after bankruptcy. ....
anyway, this is new year........ it wouldn;t be right for me to complaint too much.... haha..... happy Lunar new Year everyone! gong xi fa cai!
written by
2:55 AM
thoughts or advices