Will a feeling of disgust of a person towards another a fake disgust?
Do you even care if your disgust towards a person is a real or fake disgust? How possibly you will have a fake disgust towards a person? Omg, I don't know what am i trying to say.
Disregard that.
Haha, here comes my wishlist for the year 2008:
1) pass all my EASA modular examinations!
2) pass my grade 8 piano, with merit/distinction =P
3) get a convenient, good and affordable house to move in
4) get salay increment, be financially established!
5) a brand new piano!
6) meet up a friend......................
7) good speaker for my pc
8) more free time to relax and sleep, to indulge myself with games
9) a convenient swimming pool ( let me swim! ), have been too far from swimming pool
10) less trouble to come about especially human-to-human problems
11) a new bag
12) a new handphone
13) happy and enjoyable 2008!
*world peace* LOL
happy New year everyone!
Saturday, December 29, 2007
My wish, My list
written by
2:43 AM
thoughts or advices
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
It's 12:00 am now and I am sitting in front of the computer at home. How pathetic?!
My parents picked me back from Subang today. They were so happened to be there and I have mistakenly taken my sister book there, so, yeah, I am back. But, it made no difference as I will also celebrate my Christmas at home. LOL. Wei Kai can't get his mind off of celebrating Christmas in the house. What to do? It is so packed out there. Traffic jam is a hell out there. But anyway, the environment will be real nice.
Nevermind, at least tomorrow night I'm attending my aunt's Christmas party and have a share on the turkey she offers. Wow. Haha. Leave that for tomorrow.
A special christmas gift for today! My landlord, Mr Wong called me today, at around 7:00pm, right before I came back here, and right before they all went out for dinner. i was informed that: I have to move! We all have to move! After staying in the nice house for like, 3 months? Oh dear, we have already signed the agreement for 2 years. Now not even 3 months yet and we were all informed to move out by the mid of February. I hate the mess when moving house, especially after I have bought these much of furniture.
Anyway, one thing good is: we will all get 2 months rental compensation. =D But no more attached bathroom to each room. No more big big room. Where should I put my digital piano then? A problem of having too many furnitures. Fortunately Mr Wong offers to pay the moving cost for us. If not, we will be dead! Thanks for his kindness and concerns.
A lot of things to be considered. Whether should we rent back the same type of house by paying more ( because we are renting under a bargain price) ? or choose to rent a smaller house? I feel sad to leave that house. I get used to that house already. What to do?
What comes around goes around... Cannot do much, I have yet to discuss with my fellow housemates. hope that we will come out with a good solution......
Oh yeah, merry christmas and a happy new year to all of you! Kiss**
May all your christmas and new year wishes come true!
p/s: I hope mine comes true also. =P wish me wish me!
written by
12:18 AM
thoughts or advices
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Sometimes I ask myself: why do people get angry so easily?
Is it because of dissatisfaction of something? Or is it hormone imbalance? I don't know.
Anger. That is a human behaviour.
Always, we talk about controlling anger, but when anger really strikes, how many people can really execute what they have planned before hand about what they will do when they get angry?
What's the point of planning then?
written by
1:30 AM
thoughts or advices
Sunday, December 9, 2007
the golden compass was screened on thursday. haha, and we went and watch it on friday night! the show was not bad. but somehow, my friends said that movie isn't good. i admire the girl, Lyra's bravery. I was blurred by the sudden appearance of the witch and why the man is so willing to help lyra. the story wasn't entirely clear. it didn;t explain a lot of things. perhaps people who have read the novel knows better.
since that is the midnight show, our show ends on 01:30. by then, the one utama shopping mall was eerily silent. And the hero of all, the parking lots entrance doors were mostly closed. we were like exploring the whole one utama to find the entrance to basement 2 parking. we walked through the storeroom of jusco, went through the rubbish dump site, walked through the slope of the car whioch is meant for cars, went up to the mall again after meeting the guard. that was tiring. the whole process has taken almost 30 minutes! what the......! fortunately i wasn't defeated yet, still have to drive. indeed, i felt quite energetic, don't know why.
this is the photo that i took when finding for the parking lots entrance. Look at the closed shops, it was so different from day time.....
written by
1:20 AM
thoughts or advices
Sunday, December 2, 2007
The Stage
It doesn't really need a stage to act. What really crucial are the characters. =.="
We are transformed into an actor/actress when something around us had screwed up but we have to make it looks normal. It's just like when few of you doesn't really fond of somebody but you have to live with him/her because of the regular aily interactions.
It's very tiring. The whole idea isn't good. The problem is, when honesty takes place, mentality of that particular person takes place. Some good intention might be percepted as jeolousy, malicious and harmful.
Would you prefer living on the stage? continuosly acting?
written by
3:28 AM
1 thoughts or advices
Hair Cut
After the incident today, i told myself that i wouldn't go for hair cut on Saturday evening( pasar malam ) in TM! It's the first time i waited for 2 and a half hours for a simple hair cut.
The blame on Kok haur. Actually I didn't plan for a hair cut but since he wanted it, I went together with him..... there were actually 5 people in the shop at that time, I didn't know that they can take such a long time to settle with them. Leave us waiting for more than 2 hours. Fortunately there was a badminton tournament live show on the tv, or else I will be bored to death!
the result of the day:
It is quite satisfactory but I didn't like the waiting part....
And for that particular reason, i was late for Kar Bee's bbq party! And she and anyone else being so sarcastic teasing our hair....... Have had a great night in Kar Bee's place though. i enjoyed that.
written by
3:14 AM
thoughts or advices