Thursday, December 3, 2009

Flights were cancelled for 3 consecutive days. This is not a complaint but just an expression of disappointment over waking up early(4am) in the morning and knowingly not gonna fly but still have to go to school. yea.

I shall see if i can fly tomorrow morning. Wind is forecasted at 8 knots, which is the upper limit of my flight. if it goes any stronger, I am not flying. We are granted a day off after our flights and de-brief. If mine is cancelled, I will have the whole day off mate! But I hope to fly though. haha.

Shit, I am craving for petai. I keep thinking of petai, hoping that my parents will come over here and tabao some home-cooked udang masak petai for me..... stop thinking stop thinking. I am going to have ABC soup tonight. It smells good already, it will be ready in a short while. =D

... petai... T_T

I am here for 2 and a half month already. It feels so long already. I always thought I was here for nearly half a year already. but, 2 months. Only 2 and a half months. Life is going to be tougher next year. Much busier I reckon. What I do now everyday until Christmas is to go to school every morning, prepare for my flight(if weather is ok) and just sit down there doing nothing until 3pm(kononnya self study).... =.= So basically, I waste around 10 hours per day. Shall ensure myself do something productive in the upcoming 3 weeks...

Shall think of weekend's plan already. wahahaha!!

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