常常经过咖啡厅我都会有一股喝咖啡的冲动。我是咖啡爱好者。悲的是,很多时候我都强迫自己将那一口口水吞进肚子里。闭上眼睛、塞着鼻子抵挡那咖啡强势的攻击!1杯4块钱的咖啡也还真的蛮贵的。就大概12令吉…… 沮丧,真的。靠着1个月300澳币过活还真的蛮考技巧及耐力!庆幸的是,我每天都有一些健康的食物,有肉、鱼、菜、蛋等等。只是得在购买的时候下点心思。
Bagan should lead the global way
3 weeks ago
the sunrise signifies hope, where there is sunrise, there is hope. We wake up to the sunrise, with new target to achieve everyday. Together we move forward.
常常经过咖啡厅我都会有一股喝咖啡的冲动。我是咖啡爱好者。悲的是,很多时候我都强迫自己将那一口口水吞进肚子里。闭上眼睛、塞着鼻子抵挡那咖啡强势的攻击!1杯4块钱的咖啡也还真的蛮贵的。就大概12令吉…… 沮丧,真的。靠着1个月300澳币过活还真的蛮考技巧及耐力!庆幸的是,我每天都有一些健康的食物,有肉、鱼、菜、蛋等等。只是得在购买的时候下点心思。
written by chanzhe at 10:09 PM 0 thoughts or advices
written by chanzhe at 11:57 AM 0 thoughts or advices
When things aren't as efficient as we think it can be, perhaps it's time for re-evaluation. Evaluate our effort, evaluate our attitude and evaluate the "changeable"s.
written by chanzhe at 6:50 PM 0 thoughts or advices
多年前,我心里存着两个梦想。一,出国留学。 二,驾驶飞机。
written by chanzhe at 8:55 PM 0 thoughts or advices